Wisconsin Public Service Commission
Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP)
The Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP) is available for manufacturers (as defined by Wis. Stat. § 77.51(7h)), municipalities, universities, schools, hospitals, and the like in Wisconsin. The program aims to support a wide variety of energy projects related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy storage, energy planning, and more.
Assistance Type:  Grant
Annual/Biennial Funding Amount:  $7.88 Million available in 2023
Application Cycle:  Please note that the annual applications for the Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP) closed on March 1st, 2024.
Min./Max Award:  In 2023, grant awards ranged from $30,000 - $1,000,000.
Contact and/or Application Link: OEI@Wisconsin.gov
State Broadband Expansion Grant
Based on the information provided, the State Broadband Expansion Grants are available for organizations, utilities, or cities, villages, towns, or counties that established a legal partnership or joint venture arrangement with a qualified organization or telecommunications utility. The goal of these grants is to encourage the deployment of advanced telecommunications capability in underserved areas of the state.
Assistance Type: Grant
Annual/Biennial Funding Amount: Total funds awarded in FY23 were $16,601,085.
Application Cycle: Application closed February 22, 2023.
Min./Max Award: In FY 2023, awards ranged from $107,244 - $2,500,000.
Contact and/or Application Link:
​To apply, the entity must meet the eligibility requirements and apply through the PSC Grants System
Broadband Equity Access and Development (BEAD) Grant Program
The BEAD Grant Program is aimed at providing high-speed internets for all Wisconsinites through deployment of primarily fiber internet technology that provides service of 100/20 Megabits per second (Mbps) download to all households and residences in Wisconsin that lack access to 25/3 Mbps service. Entities operating broadband networks within the State of Wisconsin including public, private, nonprofit, and Tribal entities are eligible to apply for the grant.
Matching funds are required, and approval of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is necessary. Please refer to the application material specific to the grant program for details on grant eligibility, instructions on application responses, and required documentation when applying in the PSC Grants System.
The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Letter of Intent (LOI) is the first phase for interested entities in the BEAD subgrantee selection process. The LOI will serve to evaluate an applicant's technical, financial, operation and managerial capacity and will inform the Commission about the capability of prospective participants to comply with the BEAD program requirements and meet necessary standards and qualifications. The LOI is a required pre-qualification for participating in the grant program, which opens after the LOI.
Assistance Type: Grant 
Annual/Biennial Funding Amount:  $1,055,823,574
Application Cycle:  Deadline is October 1, 2024.
Min./Max Award:  The minimum and maximum award amounts are specific to the entity.
Contact and/or Application Link: PSCBEADGrants@Wisconsin.gov​​​