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Wisconsin Department of Administration

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

The program aims to promote affordable housing, suitable living, and expand economic opportunities for people with low- to moderate-income. There are several programs available under CDBG, each with specific goals, restrictions, and qualifying information. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is for Wisconsin communities and local governments (towns, villages, and cities with populations of less than 50,000, and counties other than Dane, Milwaukee and Waukesha). Indian tribes are not eligible because there is a special Indian Block Grant Program administered directly by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Entitlement Communities (with populations over 50,000) receive direct assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Funds are distributed between all Wisconsin counties except Dane, Milwaukee and Waukesha. The state is divided into seven regions to administer the program. Regional allocations are based on the number of LMI households, units built prior to 1950, housing affordability, and unemployment factors of the jurisdictions joining the regions. Individual local units of government applications are awarded based on the same criteria used for the regions. Homebuyers, home-owner rehabilitation and small public facility projects should contact the appropriate region for assistance.
Community Development
Phone Number: (608) 266-7531
Email Address:

CDBG Economic Development (CDBG-ED)

Grant funds are awarded to local governments to assist businesses in creating or retaining jobs. At least 51% of the jobs created or retained must be held by low-and moderate-income (LMI) persons.   Examples of eligible projects include business loans to expand facilities or purchase equipment, specialized employee training, or business infrastructure projects.

  • Assistance Type: Grant

  • Annual/Biennial Funding Amount: These amounts are determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • Application Cycle: Continuous, but a pre-application meeting with DEHCR is required.

  • Min./Max Award: Typical awards are $7,000-$10,000 per job created or retained, however the amount of funds awarded per job is at the discretion of DEHCR.  

  • Eligibility Obstacle: Program requires job creation for eligibility, which is a significant hurdle in the current economic environment that includes a severe workforce shortage.

  • Contact and/or Application Link: Please follow the program link for application materials.


Below attached to the button is the link for more information regarding this program from the Wi DOA website. Follow this link to learn more.


CDBG Emergency Assistance Program (CDBG-EAP)

This grant fund program assists communities recover from a recent natural or manmade disaster. Eligible activities include repair of disaster related damage to dwellings, assistance to purchase replacement dwellings, and repair and restoration of public infrastructure and facilities.

  • Assistance Type: Grant

  • Annual/Biennial Funding Amount: These amounts are determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • Application Cycle: Applications accepted from community within 90 days of the disaster event.

  • Min./Max Award: CDBG-EAP funding cannot address 100% of the expenses related to the recovery efforts.​

  • Contact and/or Application Link: Please follow the program link for application materials.​


Below attached to the button is the link for more information regarding this program from the Wi DOA website. Follow this link to learn more.​​



These grant funds support community efforts to improve local vitality by addressing slums and blight and/or addressing issues that will improve the well-being of low- and-moderate income individuals. Grants are limited to projects that, if implemented, would meet a CDBG national objective.

  • Assistance Type: Grant

  • Annual/Biennial Funding Amount: These amounts are determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • Application Cycle: Continuous, but a pre-application meeting or conference call with Division staff is required prior to applying.

  • Contact and/or Application Link: Please follow the program link for application materials.


Below attached to the button is the link for more information regarding this program from the Wi DOA website. Follow this link to learn more.​​


CDBG Public Facility - Economic Development (CDBG-PFED)

Grant funds are awarded to local governments for public infrastructure projects that support business expansion or retention. Examples of eligible applications include new or improved water and sewer service and streets that result in business expansion and job opportunities for low- and moderate-income individuals.

  • Assistance Type: Grant

  • Annual/Biennial Funding Amount: These amounts are determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • Application Cycle: Continuous

  • Contact and/or Application Link: Please follow the program link for application materials.


Below attached to the button is the link for more information regarding this program from the Wi DOA website. Follow this link to learn more.​​


CDBG Public Facility (CDBG-PF)

These funds help support infrastructure and facility projects for communities. Some examples of eligible projects include streets, drainage systems, water and sewer systems, sidewalks, and community centers.

  • Assistance Type: Grant

  • Annual/Biennial Funding Amount: These amounts are determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • Application Cycle: Annual competitive process. Check program website for updates.

  • Contact and/or Application Link: â€¯Please follow the program link for application materials.

Example of Successful Implementation: The City of Oconto Falls received $1 million for lift station, street and utility infrastructure improvements in 2024. 


Below attached to the button is the link for more information regarding this program from the Wi DOA website. Follow this link to learn more.


CDBG Small Cities Housing Program

These grant funds help communities improve and expand the supply of affordable housing for low- to moderate-income families through no-interest, deferred loans. Eligible activities include housing rehab and homeownership assistance.

  • Assistance type: Grant

  • Annual/Biennial Funding Amount: These amounts are determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • Application Cycle: Grant funds are administered through seven regions bi-annually across the state.

  • Contact and/or Application Link:

    • Application Link

    • Regional Housing Administrators

Northwest Region

  • Sheldon Johnson, Northwest Regional Planning Commission


Northwoods Region

West Central Region

  • Jessica Oleson-Bue, Executive Director, Chippewa County Housing Authority

Central Region

  • Julia A. Oleson, Executive Director, Juneau County Housing Authority

Northeastern Region

  • Todd D. Mead, Brown County Planning Department

Southwest Region

Southern Region

  • Kari Justmann, MSA Professional Services


Below attached to the button is the link for more information regarding this program from the Wi DOA website. Follow this link to learn more.


Rental Housing Development (RHD)

The Rental Housing Development (RHD) Program assists eligible housing organizations, Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs), and for-profit corporations with funds to develop affordable rental housing. CHDOs must meet specific HUD requirements, including community-based governance with low-income resident representation, and demonstrate a history and capacity for housing development. The program serves households at or below 60% of the County Median Income (CMI), and rent limitations apply for a specified period for projects receiving HOME funds.

  • Assistance Type: Loan

  • Annual/Biennial Funding Amount: These amounts are determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • Application Cycle:

    • Application Round 1: The General Round - The RHD Program will accept general applications on the first Monday in June of each year from all developers including CHDO agencies.

    • Application Round 2: The CHDO and Nonprofit Round - The RHD Program will accept applications from non-profit developers or CHDO agencies on October 15th.

    • Application Round 3: The Rolling Round - Applications for developments specifically in rural locations with 20, or less, total housing units. Rolling Round application will be accepted from any developer, including CHDO agencies. There is no due date and applications will be accepted throughout the year, reviewed on a first-come first-served basis as funding permits. Rural location must meet the USDA Rural Development definition of Rural Area:

  • Min./Max award: Developers will be limited to two awards per year, totaling up to $2,000,000. For CHDO applicants only, no award dollar limit for per year.

  • Contact and/or Application Link: 

RHD Program Manager

Department of Administration Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources

Email Address:

Example of Successful Implementation: In FFY 2019, $5.3 million was awarded to 11 grantees for rental development of 100 housing units.


Below attached to the button is the link for more information regarding this program from the WI DOA website. Follow this link to learn more.


Wisconsin Department of Administration 

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